Who Can Apply?
To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be a registered not for profit organization supporting Parkland County residents.
Applicants must also:
- Be registered and in good standing in Alberta under the appropriate legislation for at least one year prior to the deadline date for filing the grant application
- The Applicants shall have an open membership to its organization and programs, except for valid program factors (e.g., geographical location)
- The Applicants facilities, projects programs and activities must focus on improving the quality-of-life for residents of Parkland County.
- The grant applied for shall be intended and used to further the Applicant's not-for-profit activities and must not directly or indirectly be intended or used to further a profit venture.
- Within the deadlines, the Applicant file and provide all documents and information outlined in the grant application.
- The Applicant must demonstrate fiscal responsibility and manage its finances in a responsible manner.
- The Applicants must have completed a final report and shown recognition to Parkland County for any previous funding received under this program.
- Demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, effective administration practices and commitment to fiscal responsibility
- Applicants must complete a final report (Minor Capital and Program grants) and shown reignition to Parkland County for any previous funding received under this program.
- Applicants may receive only one grant per category per year.
Ineligible applicants
The following organizations are ineligible for this funding:
- Political parties, registered constituency association, registered candidate, or organizations with political affiliations,
- Lobbyist groups
- Government and government agencies
- For profit organizations,
- Provincial or federal government funded initiative
- Organizations that provide services or programs that are the responsibility of another level of government including health, education, libraries, social services
- School or school-based groups
- Church or religious affiliated groups
- Organizations that have closed memberships or closed access to the general public
- Organized sports teams
- Boards of trade
- Groups that already receive different funding from Parkland County
- Groups that receive operational funding from another level of government are not eligible to apply for the operating portion of the grant.
- Community Associations recognized under Policy RP-016
What does this grant support?
The Not For Profit has 6 funding streams:
Schedule A - Operating
For organizations that operate their own facility:
Up to 50% of eligible facility operating expenditures for organizations that operate their own facility:
- sewer/septic,
- electricity,
- heating,
- water
- Contracted operational services (ex .janitorial, snow removal, grass cutting)
- Outdoor maintenance (ex. gas for lawn mower, gravel etc)
- Life safety inspections (ex. playground inspections, fire suppression inspections)
- Insurance – Facility
- Facility rental/lease costs for operations
Up to 50% of organizational operating expenditures for:
- Insurance-Liability, renters etc.
- Office and program supplies (noncapital only)*
- Advertising, marketing, and communication expenses
- Volunteer recognition or training
- Rent
- Professional and administrative salaries or benefits, consultant services
Operating ineligible expenses include:
- events, performances, festivals, celebrations and fundraising related costs
- start-up costs
- debt retirement or deficit reduction
- tours or field trips
- capital or facility improvements
- equipment and furnishings
- land or facility purchase
- vehicles
- tournament and entry fees
- scholarships, prizes, gratuities, gifts, individual awards, payments and other items that are for individual benefit
These expenses will be based on your last years audited financials.
Annual grant- June 14, 2024 deadline
Schedule B - Minor Capital
Minor Capital could include projects that fall under the following categories:
- Fire, Safety and Health – Projects that are required to conform to fire and safety codes.
- Preventive Maintenance – Projects that are necessary to prevent the facility's infrastructure from deteriorating (e.g., replace furnace, new roof, new wiring or plumbing, etc.).
- Renovation / Improvements – Projects that restore the facility to its previous condition due to aging or heavy use (e.g., new flooring, replacement of bathroom or kitchen or electrical fixtures) or add a facility or amenity where one did not previously exist.
- Equipment- Purchase or repair of capital equipment (if purchase cost is over $5,000 and useful life over 3 years).
Priority will also be given to facilities located in Parkland County, followed by facilities in partner communities where there is no cost share agreement in place.
Minor capital project must happen in grant year.
Annual grant- June 14, 2024 deadline
Schedule C - Project
Each project must provide services that are available for public use/benefit.
Programs could include:
- New projects or programs- i.e., start-up funds to support new programs
- New components to an existing program - adding new features to a program that is already successful to attract a greater community awareness/participation
- Volunteer training- i.e., workshop attendance fees
Eligible expenses include:
- Purchase of program supplies and equipment
- Payment for program/event staff or instructors
- Payment for entertainment
- Publicity costs
- Rental/facility Costs
- Food or non-alcoholic beverage costs
- Licensing/permit fees (e.g., SOCAN, Public Performance License)
The project must happen in the grant year.
Annual grant- June 14, 2024 deadline
Schedule D - Micro
The purpose of the Parkland County Micro Grant is to assist organizations with funding for projects that meet the needs of our residents through the benefits of culture, recreation, and sport. This funding strives to create opportunities for citizens to engage in:
- Recreational experiences for well-being,
- Cultural and/or creative inquiry projects,
- Sport development projects, and
- Healthy active living and/or physical activity initiatives.
The Parkland County Micro Grant program will support:
- Organizations that exist within Parkland County and serve Parkland County residents.
- Provide Parkland County residents with opportunities to actively participate in recreational, cultural, sport development or healthy active living activities,
- Events and activities that happen in Parkland County.
The allocation of the Micro-Grant stream is based on:
- Special Event Activities (i.e., Family Day, July 1st, Children's Christmas Party)
- New projects or programming (i.e., start-up funds to support new programs, membership drives or equipment for programs)
- New component to an existing program (adding some new features to a program that is already successful to attract a greater community awareness/participation)
- Volunteer training (i.e., workshop attendance fees)
To be eligible for funding under the Parkland County Micro Grant program, proposed projects must provide services that are available for public use/benefit.
Funding may be awarded up to a maximum of $500 per project and up to a maximum of $2,000/annually.
Funding will count towards the organizations maximum annual amount under the Not-for-profit grant program.
The Micro grant is geared for events with less than 100 attendees. For more than 100 attendees, please apply for Schedule E - Events grant.
Deadline: Ongoing intake for this grant.
Applicants will be notified within 10 business days (notice may be longer during summer months) of application if the funding request is approved.
Schedule E - Emergent Minor Capital
The Not-for-profit Emergent Minor Capital Repair program is based on financial support for those unforeseen or unbudgeted emergency repairs or replacement related to items or infrastructure failures that present an immediate threat to the ability of an organization to continue to operate and provide services to the residents of Parkland County.
Expenses eligible for emergency repair or replacement are exclusive to the following list:
- Major Systems: furnace or HVAC systems, hot water tank, damaged roof, building foundation, sump pump, flooring, windows, doors, electrical wiring upgrades, and plumbing.
- Accessibility equipment: wheelchair ramps, lifts, automated doors, modified bathroom equipment, and modified chairs and tables.
- Safety Equipment: fixtures and equipment required by Fire and Safety regulations (e.g. fire alarms, fire doors).
- Washrooms: fixtures, toilets, sinks, and related skilled labor costs.
Emergent Minor Capital projects may be covered up to 75% of the cost of the project to a maximum of $5,000 in one year.
- The 25% supplied by the not-for-profit organization may include cash, and/or in-kind donations of equipment, supplies, and donated labor and be directly related to the project.
- Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility of requests are evaluated on several factors, including the rationale provided, evidence of the emergency circumstance, the reasonability of the request, and whether the cost is considered to be outside routine and regular service.
In addition, awards will be allocated as per the following criteria:
- The minor capital project must be emergent in nature.
- Projects must occur in the year in which approved funding is being provided.
- Facilities must be in Parkland County or demonstrate a meaningful impact on Parkland County residents.
- Funding of completed projects will not be considered.
- Project and reporting must be completed within 2 months of receiving funding.
Deadline: Ongoing intake for this grant.
Applicants will be notified within 10 business days (notice may be longer during summer months) of application if the funding request is approved.
This grant will be applied to the organization's maximum annual allotment for the Parkland County Not-for-profit grant.
Schedule F - Events
Each event must provide services that are available for public use/benefit.
Events may include:
- Special Event: The organized gathering celebrating, cultural, community, or other type of unique occasion or theme, which lasts for a limited or fixed duration, and provides the public with a unique leisure opportunity. This includes entertainment-based events where the festival celebration is the primary goal.
- Sporting Event– a single event or tournament competition comprised of a combination of local and external competitors. Sports events must happen in Parkland County or when an amenity is not available in Parkland County (for example: a skating rink), a demonstrated positive impact on the County.
Eligible expenses include:
- Purchase of program supplies and equipment
- Payment for program/event staff or instructors
- Payment for entertainment
- Publicity costs v. Rental/facility Costs
- Food or non-alcoholic beverage costs – only items that will not be used for revenue generation
- Licensing/permit fee’s (i.e., SOCAN, Public Performance License)
Expenses not covered:
- The purchase of alcohol for program/event and related expenses (i.e. liquor license)
- Fundraising activities.
- Capital or facility improvements.
- Land or facility purchase.
- Vehicles.
- Scholarships, prizes, gratuities, gifts, individual awards, payments, and other items that are for individual benefit.
- Events must expect to draw more than 100 attendees. Those events with less than 100 should apply for Schedule D – Micro Grants.
- Funding is available in 3 categories:
- Small events (expected attendance 100-299 people)
- Medium events (expected attendance 300-499 people)
- Large events (expected attendance over 500 people)
- The amount of funding allocated is dependent upon Council’s annual approved operating budget.
- The event must occur within the granting year.
- This is a matching grant and Parkland County’s contribution must not exceed 50% of the event budget. 50% contribution of eligible costs from the not-for-profit organization can come in the form of in-kind donations, volunteer hours, and available funding.
- No more than 30% of the organizations' contribution can come from volunteer hours:
- Maximum of 10% preparation
- Maximum of 20% volunteer hours on the day of the event
- Retroactive expenses will not be considered.
- Organizations can apply for multiple events but cannot exceed grant maximums.
- Special events should happen in Parkland County. When held in the region, must demonstrate a positive impact on the County.
- Sports competitions must happen in Parkland County or when an amenity is not available in Parkland County (for example: a skating rink), a demonstrated positive impact on the County.
- Events that are held jointly in the tri-municipal region and supported by all three municipal partners (Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, and Parkland County) are exempt from clause 2b and funding maximums are to be determined by Council.
- Events shall adhere to all policies, legislation, by-laws, and regulations. Failure to comply may result in loss of current and/or future funding.
- To be eligible, an event must:
- Demonstrate a high degree of community support based on attendance, participation, organization, membership, volunteers, financial contributions, and in-kind donations.
- Not duplicate or be similar to existing celebrations or events currently being offered, if duplicate or similar events occur, preference will be given to those events happening in Parkland County.
- Not show a profit or raise funds to be used to provide a grant, donation, or scholarship to another person, group, or organization.
- Events must be at no cost or only charge a nominal admission fee will be considered. Nominal is considered close to or equal to cost recovery after awarding grant funds.
- Events supported by this grant must be open and accessible to the public regardless of race, religious beliefs, color, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, marital status, income status, family status, or sexual orientation.
- Events must be secular and non-political.
Ineligible events
- Capital projects.
- Special interest events (i.e., weddings, religious gatherings, demonstrations, marches, or events for commercial purposes).
- Events hosted by groups not supported under the Not-for-profit policy.
Annual grant- June 14, 2024 deadline
Volunteer Time Value
Value of volunteerism and donations is based on:
- $20.00 per hour for unskilled labor working directly on the project (must report actual hours on volunteer log)
- $35.00 per hour for skilled labor (must report actual hours on volunteer log) *
*Skilled labor includes qualified trades and professionals specific to components of a project (e.g., ticketed electrician or plumber).
- $70.00 per hour for heavy equipment (including operator) (must report actual hours on volunteer log)
Supporting documentation for donated resources should be maintained and include:
- volunteer log sheets* for the project including date, name, signature, nature of work provided, number of hours worked, rate per hour, and total value
- donation letters on business letterhead or invoices clearly indicating the fair market value of the professional services and materials that have been donated by the business.
Donated labor/services/material/equipment MUST be directly related to the approved project.
This excludes time spent:
- planning,
- attending regular meetings,
- pre-event activities such as planning meetings
- fundraising activities,
- developing and preparing grant applications, or promotional material,
- volunteer recognition,
- pre-construction activities such as meetings with contractors and obtaining quotes for the project,
- volunteer travel time or mileage for picking up materials and equipment
- ground-breaking, opening and other ceremonial events.
How to Apply
The Not For Profit Grant application is divided into 6 sections:
- Main application
- Schedule A – Operating (annual)
- Schedule B –Minor Capital (annual)
- Schedule C- Project (annual)
- Schedule D - Micro (on going)
- Schedule E- Emergent Minor Capital (on going)
- Schedule F - Events (annual)
The Main application, which provides information on the Not For Profit organization, must be completed by every organization applying for the annual Not For Profit grant. The Main application needs to be completed once per grant year.
In addition to the Main application, submit Schedule A, and/or B and/or C for the grant (or grants) that the organization is applying for. When applying for more than one Schedule (A, B, and/or C) only one Main application is required.
Schedule D and Schedule E require only that schedules application. these 2 Schedules have an ongoing intake.
The maximum that groups can apply for is dependent on where the non-profit is located.
Parkland County - those groups who are located and run in Parkland County.
Regional Partner- means an organization that is located outside the municipality of Parkland County but serves Parkland County residents.
The amount that can be applied for in each schedule is:
Schedule A- Operating
- Regional partner: $10,000
- Parkland County based: $20,000
Schedule B – Minor Capital
- Regional partner: $5,000
- Parkland County based: $7,500
Schedule C – Project
- Regional partner: $5,000
- Parkland County based: $7,500
Schedule D – Micro
- $500 per event
- Max $2,000 annually
Schedule E- Emergent Minor Capital
Max $5,000 annually
Schedule F – Events
- Regional partner: $1,500 - $5,000
- Parkland County based: $3,000 - $10,000
Organizations may apply for 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of the schedules of the annual grant, and may also apply for Schedule D and E. The maximum combined total amount awarded to any organization under this policy shall not exceed:
- Regional partner: $10,000 annually
- Parkland County based: $20,000 annually
Example - Regional Partner:
Schedule A- $2,500.00
Schedule B- $3,500.00
Schedule C- $2,500.00
Schedule F- $1,500.00
Total: $10,000.00
Main application, applicable schedule (A, B, C and/or F) applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by the deadline to be considered.
Samples of supporting documents can be found in the resources tab.
Hand written and late applications will not be accepted.
Carilyn Bjarnason
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Parkland County
53109A HWY 779
Parkland County, AB
T7Z 1R1
Please ensure that your association name is on all attachments. Applications must be submitted in one file.
Handwritten applications and faxes will not be accepted.
Applicants will be notified early January as to the status of their application.
Application Forms
Schedule D - Micro Grant
Schedule E - Emergent Minor Capital
2025 Funding Priorities
Priority will be given to groups that:
Grow volunteer capacity and commitment
- Minimize barriers to participation through leisure education
- Improve mobility needs of County residents - transportation
- Provide diversity and improved access to recreation and leisure opportunities
- Improve access to mental health programs
- Engage youth in the community
Priority will be given to facilities, projects, programs, and activities that focus on improving the quality of life for Parkland County Residents and to groups that have an open membership to its organizations and programs.
Who is considered a Parkland County resident?
A Parkland County resident is one who lives within the geographic boundary of Parkland County. This includes those who live in the hamlets of Entwistle, Gainford, Fallis, Duffield, Carvel, Tomahawk, Keephills, and Wabamun.
Parkland County residents DO NOT include those living in the City Spruce Grove, Town of Stony Plain, Village of Spring Lake, Village of Seba Beach, Reserves 133A or 135 and Summer Villages.
The municipality to which you pay your taxes, is the municipality that you reside in.